Friday, 23 June 2017

Deniability Again?

Everyone should listen to the wise words of Arnold Tarling being interviewed on BBC this morning. Arnold is a surveyor and fire safety expert, and how Paul would have loved to have discussed the matters being aired this morning.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Will Cronies Comply?

Diane phoned yesterday, it's likely the Guardian will run the OVO/Scottish Power story this week. It's been difficult because so many huge stories have knocked the less sensational off the page in recent weeks. It was good to have a chat with her and to hear that the coroner has made recommendations for change in the Jerome Rogers case. It must be some relief that the events leading to his death have not been ignored. The events leading to Jerome's death may not have been illegal, but they ought to be. The law must stop a vulnerable person being placed in such a position.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Fenland DC - lost intelligence?

Theresa May wants to reduce our human rights, but don't worry it will only affect the lower classes, the non-cronies, none of the great and the good will be bothered by this slackening of the rights that were so hard won. May appears to think the answer to 'lost intelligence' is to remove the rights of individuals. This sounds terrifying, and as I try to adjust to life as a old widow in an unfamiliar landscape, an England I don't recognise, I realise it has already happened within Barclays, Ovo, Scottish Power and now Fenland District Council.

Monday, 5 June 2017

Stage 2 Decision

White has delivered his Stage 2 Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure (IDRP) decision and unsurprisingly the Barclay's UKRF Trustee has not found in the widow's favour.

Lost Intelligence - Public issue, private pain

In the aftermath of the latest London Bridge terror attack we once again hear media reports from members of the public who say they phoned the hotline to tip off security services. The same thing happened after other terror attacks and the security services responded by saying they had no evidence that the alleged calls were made.
These were 'lost intelligence' events.