Sunday, 15 April 2018

To see and not to speak...

"To see and not to speak would be the great betrayal," these were Enoch Powell’s words, and surely we must agree that a genuine opinion sincerely held should be heard, however much we disagree with that opinion. Fifty years on from his Rivers of Blood speech the BBC have chosen to offer the public their particular analysis of Powell’s words and they feel he should be damned as a racist.
Maybe there is another view, a kinder take on Powell, could the BBC analysis be a little biased?

Friday, 13 April 2018

A Genius at Life?

How do you rate your compassion? 
Do you really understand what compassion is? Do we need compassion in our lives before we fully experience life itself?

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Things That Matter

Triumph of the Airheads - Again?

Another strange post on FB-today asking whether there can be any reason for the existence of the flat earth society. What I find odd is the language, the writer claims that the FES "wind the sensible people up and make steam come out of their ears trying to explain to them." 
All I would ask is "Why?"

100 year life?

On Saturday the Financial Times carried a link to a new web page they are supporting urging everyone to plan for 100 year life. Do I want to do this?