Thursday, 13 October 2016

Dedicated Employee Enjoying Bank Bonus?

This morning Paul's youngest daughter commented on how Paul was a dedicated employee of Barclays Bank. She was right, he was dedicated, conscientious and hard working. But when it came to being paid a big bonus for his efforts, well his wasn't quite in the league that we all hear about bankers receiving these days ....
Julie would be able to vouch for the many times Paul was called in to fix problems, or had to rearrange family weekends because Barclays systems needed him to work at the weekend or overnight. 

So after all the commitment, skill and effort he did get a profit sharing bonus cheque from the bank.

He was so insulted, so aware of the disrespect for the hours of his life that this bonus represented that he just wouldn't pay it in to his account. He just kept it to give us a smile from time to time. Because we knew what he was worth.

His children may feel he denied them the proceeds of this profit sharing bonus but I'll just post the cheque image here and they'll realise they didn't miss out on much.

Personally I think this says more about the quality of the bank's administration than it does about Paul's value. 

Was it really cost effective to post out cheques for 2p? 
How many bank employees received them? 
How many paid them into their accounts? 
Maybe the bank charged the people who paid the cheques in and made more profit that way?

The mysteries of banking.

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