Saturday, 24 February 2018

How about a ute muster?

A Wisbech Discussion Group FB post about cars meeting up in a car park at night has prompted many responses, and polarised opinion. Is such a meet a good thing, or bad? Do the larrikins need to be stamped on hard because some people living nearby have small children who are bothered by the noise?

Friday, 23 February 2018

Fatally Flawed Reliance

Yesterday a few critics disliked my comment on the Wisbech Discussion Group suggesting that a relying on the green man signal might be imprudent. There was allegedly anger because I suggested that reliance on technology can be fatal. Fortunately there was also some support for my comment too, some people understood. 
Here I just want to explain why I wrote my comment in the hope that those finding my words unhelpful might understand. 

Thursday, 22 February 2018

The Children of Coincidence

Can we control our own destiny?
Is the fact that some of us have success in life, and some of us fail entirely at everything we try due to the former group being wise and prudent planners, and the latter group's reckless feckless behaviour?

Or is the fickle finger of fate prodding us into the directions we take?

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Can ambiguity be good for us?

I've been interested in the Irish problem for the past 50 years.

Do you think you're right most of the time?

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Monday, 19 February 2018

Anger or Outrage?

Bafta awards were last night and although I managed to avoid watching the ceremonies I have heard a couple of comments this morning.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Andrew Wakefield

The subject of my post yesterday was childrens’ behaviour and autistic diagnoses, and then last night the BBC broadcast a programme on Andrew Wakefield, the doctor who first criticised the triple MMM vaccine suggesting it could cause problems.   

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Willful Blindness over Special Needs?

A number of people made comments on the post relating to the behaviour of children with “special needs” earlier this week. This morning’s IPM podcast from the BBC was relevant to this and interesting to me for what wasn’t said.