Saturday, 24 February 2018

How about a ute muster?

A Wisbech Discussion Group FB post about cars meeting up in a car park at night has prompted many responses, and polarised opinion. Is such a meet a good thing, or bad? Do the larrikins need to be stamped on hard because some people living nearby have small children who are bothered by the noise?

Maybe the larrikins get annoyed by small children screaming and running amok in cafes and restaurants. It’s possible. The thing we all need to remember is that, as far as I’ve read there were no injuries, and the police were aware. We need a dose of tolerance, and possibly some creative thinking so that everyone can enjoy their own fun.

In everything I’ve read I missed the suggestions as to how a car meet could be handled differently. So I’m offering an idea here - why not expand the meet so that it can become something bigger, something like an Australian Ute Muster? People want to show off their pride and joy, it’s no different to how previous generations showed their horses. Practically every town in Australia has a ute muster with various categories for showing them, something for (almost) everyone.

If you watch the video of the Deni muster all you see are people having fun. Possibly not to your taste or liking but attending is not mandatory.

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