Monday, 17 October 2016

Hawks, Geese but no Chooks yet?

Recently I booked flights with Qatar airline and was amazed to discover that up to six hawks could be taken accommodated as cabin luggage. This morning I was sent this link...

Friday, 14 October 2016

Another day of underachievement!

I'll be glad when today is over. Another day of underachievement.

Every worry this widow has is not directly related to pensions, but they are all connected because where I live, how I live, and how quickly I can relocate are all determined by financial considerations.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Dedicated Employee Enjoying Bank Bonus?

This morning Paul's youngest daughter commented on how Paul was a dedicated employee of Barclays Bank. She was right, he was dedicated, conscientious and hard working. But when it came to being paid a big bonus for his efforts, well his wasn't quite in the league that we all hear about bankers receiving these days ....

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Only Six Working Days....

I thought the Facebook response was hopeful. 
I was wrong.

Hybrid Pension?

Although the outcome was not what I had hoped for I am extremely grateful to Sam Brodbeck at the Telegraph for looking into what was for me a confusing issue. 

Sullen Silence?

Have I offended Barclays?
My rejection of Malone's findings has been met with a wall of silence.
How can I extract a confirmation that Barclays has received my letter?

Friday, 7 October 2016

So F***ing Sorry

I am beginning to tire of people telling me they are sorry. Everyone claims to be sorry, but this doesn't improve anything. The video clip of bankers telling the nation how sorry they are made me smile. I can only smile, they can laugh all the way to the bank!

Comments on the Stage 1 decision

Comments on the Stage 1 decision letter dated 13 September 2016
The grey text is Mr Malone’s, indented.

Letter to Colin White

Dear Mr White
Mr Malone’s findings of IDRP Stage 1 notified to me 13th September 2016
I am writing to request reconsideration of my complaint as I reject the conclusion detailed in Mr Malone’s letter which included some creative temporal adjustments and much unsupported speculation. Full details of my disagreement with the content of his letter are attached and if you require further explanation or information please contact me by email. The devil is in the detail and I urge you to read it.

Barclays Stage 2 Complaint

I've had to respond quickly to Malone's rejection of my complaint because I feel an urgency to get a written record that others can see. Pursuing Paul’s pension monies might be futile as far as my future is concerned but the issues raised, the unnecessary delays and lack of humanity and sense of urgency by Barclays could offer some crumbs of support to others who are struggling with pensions administration in widowhood, or even just others struggling to wrestle their funds away from Barclays.