Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Resilience or Acceptance?

Woke up to the news that there has been another terrible attack on innocent people, this time in New York. The immediate response from the authorities is that the people of New York are resilient. That same claim is always made about Londoners, Parisians, and any other group who suffer such an attack. But what is resilience?

A dictionary definition might be;
"the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness."
But are we truly seeing resilience, or could it be something else? 
Apathy?  Indifference?Acceptance? 
It is important that we understand the difference and I'm not convinced that a genuinely resilient society would be experiencing such high levels of mental health issues.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Human Rights

An individual, Nathy posting on the Wisbech Discussion Group recently made a claim that it was a "human right" to enter a stranger's home to use the lavatory. Such a ludicrous and laughable suggestion that it doesn't deserve any attention you might think? But maybe it offers a hint as to how both language and understanding of what might be expect from others have somehow become grotesquely distorted

Thursday, 14 September 2017

We Were All Kids Once!

Too often people are making comparative assessments of young people as though they are similar to previous generations. They may not be.
There is a growing problem of physiological differences in the brains of some young people. A secondary factor is the perceived lack of trust between parents and the school teachers tasked with educating their children. Too often callous unemotional traits are deemed the result of bad parenting or bad schooling, or impoverished environment, or even a normal part of the rough and tumble of growing up, when they may just be bad genes that really do need expert help.
Identifying those most at risk and providing early interventions will not occur if the community are in denial. As a society we have a problem, and it is much more serious than just having kids who are lacking good role models, kids with no hobbies or fulfilling pastimes.
We were all kids, but decades ago only a tiny number of children had callous unemotional traits, today the numbers are growing. This is an issue we must all be aware of.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Just Do It!

There was an amusing but disturbing post on the Wisbech 'discussion' forum this morning. Certainly not from a person wishing to discuss anything, he was just demanding that his idea should go to the front of the queue for attention from our local councillors. He had an idea and his idea was the best possible use of our elected representative's time. I can only think that this person had never experienced an idea before and was acting from shock, without conscious thought at all.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Let's not forget

Let's not forget

First Make Your Own Bed

When Admiral William H McRaven addressed a cohort of University of Texas graduates I doubt he realised the video would go viral. But it did. His message was simple but effective.

Saturday, 9 September 2017

Out of sight, out of mind?

How would we feel if we saw these four men in Wisbech, sitting on a bench in St Peter’s gardens?

Friday, 8 September 2017

Reality Check?

The Wisbech Discussion Forum is certainly a fascinating place worthy of research if not discourse analysis. Difficult to analyse contributions that are just irrelevant comments on the character of the contributor, and many contributors are showing high levels of self-obsession, but we must try if we are to understand the community online.

Good News at Last

On my last evening in Crete I heard a soft sound indicating an email had been delivered. As my niece wasn't present to police the "no phones at the table" policy I took a quick look.
It was the Pensions Ombudsman advising that they will be investigating my issues with Barclays.
It isn't in any way an indication that I will succeed with the complaint, but it did feel good to know that the problems have not just been swept aside. Some experienced people are looking at the facts, and that is all I can ask for. A very good note on which to end my holiday.

How Do We Measure Our Society?

You may not be inclined to enter this competition as it will require a significant commitment to deep thinking about difficult issues, but even without scribing your own entry it might be worthwhile keeping an eye on the results because the winners will undoubtedly bring some fresh ideas into focus.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Cognitive Surplus in Wisbech?

In the Wisbech Discussion Forum there are currently views from those who see the town as a beautiful place that is friendly for families to visit and others who see it as unattractively litter strewn and populated by threatening and disgusting drunks. Who is right? Are they all correct, maybe seeing different parts of town at different times of day? 

Sunday, 27 August 2017

The Parody Project

A little smile with a big message

The Parody Project

Slouching towards a grave systemic crisis?

From: Niall Ferguson

BHS Anniversary

One year ago today BHS closed it's stores.  Old news, who cares?
Those many employees who lost their jobs, lost their futures.
Sir Philip Green subsequently negotiated a deal and his life continues with very little change. He certainly won't be worrying about paying the mortgage. Capitalism served him well.

Greece and China - Mind the gap!

There is an interesting article in the New York Times discussing the use of Greece's political power by China. What was being explained did seem to have some parallels with our current spate of radicalised young people.

Does Wisbech worship Capitalism?

Oh dear, yesterday I offended someone in the Wisbech on-line discussion group. I'm not certain precisely what his swipe was provoked by but, although this man did not express any reason for the statement he made it was clearly aimed at me.

Wisbech Worries

Over recent weeks I have been watching and commenting on the Wisbech Discussion Forum, where the most positive and amusing contributions have been made by a chap living in Spain. Every day he lifts the spirits and puts out an anecdote from his life that is good to read.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Wisbech Crime Stats

A few days ago a detective, or at least a male voice claiming to be a detective phoned my home. He told me the Wisbech police were not going to take any action in regard to the intruder who stole my peace of mind, valuables and identity.

Wisbech Police and Stolen Property

I foolishly expected to receive some communication from the police. A copy of the statement taken from me at 1.50 am last Friday for instance?


Yesterday I had an argument about the description 'normal person'. In my opinion there is no 'normal', only that with which we are most familiar, what makes us most comfortable.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

HM Government Punishing Victims of Crime

Yesterday on BBC Radio 4 'You and Yours' I was hearing about the scammers making money from people needing passports. Scam websites that add 25 GBP to the fee when all the site does is redirect to the official site.

I'm Not Alone!

My thoughts on posting stolen good on social media were clearly not original.

Pension Ombudsman

I've no wish to embarrass the man I hope will closely examine the Barclays UK Pension Fund inadequacies for me, but in the interests of recording facts I feel I must place on record what I know. 

Victim Support?

In Wisbech there is no victim support.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Social Media and Crime Prevention

If the police are not interested in recording the unique identifiers on high value electronics, and not concerned with getting good descriptions of stolen items then maybe the public should step in.

Police Non-Action

I've written a little about how the police behaved when they attended, and the days that passed before a detective phoned to say the police intend doing nothing. 


If you are the victim of crime in the UK you can anticipate a double whammy. As you reel from the shock and trauma of being robbed you will feel the full force of the UK government taking another swipe.

Identity Theft

It's hard to believe anyone would want to be me but this morning a report on BBC News adds another worry to my burden. Apparently identity theft is the increasing rapidly.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

First impressions

As the Barclays complaint had failed to be resolved via the Barclays' Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure I was faced with a decision, give up and admit Barclays had beaten us or look elsewhere for an answer. A financial journalist, Mr S advised me to submit a formal complaint through the Pensions Ombudsman.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Shocking Events

Having written about my architect's inappropriate use of the word shock I'm now suffering from it!On Thursday I had another U3A lunch outing. This time at The Moorings, Outwell. It was a lovely relaxed event and I met two new and interesting people. Returned home feeling blessed for the life I have, for the security of friends and family, the excitement of my future plans and my imminent Greek idyll. My first holiday as a widow.

Mind your language

This morning there was a discussion about the use of language, leading from an article published this morning by Vince Cable. In Cable’s article he is drawing attention to the failure of debate in modern

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Octavia Hill

Yesterday I launched myself into Wisbech society with a visit to Octavia Hill’s birthplace.
Interesting experience.

Time to Give Up?

Woke up listening to Matt Ineson who had been abused by clergy and his struggle to get any admission from the bishops involved reminded me of the experience with Barclays, especially so as the clergy defence was "we never received your letter".

Friday, 23 June 2017

Deniability Again?

Everyone should listen to the wise words of Arnold Tarling being interviewed on BBC this morning. Arnold is a surveyor and fire safety expert, and how Paul would have loved to have discussed the matters being aired this morning.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Will Cronies Comply?

Diane phoned yesterday, it's likely the Guardian will run the OVO/Scottish Power story this week. It's been difficult because so many huge stories have knocked the less sensational off the page in recent weeks. It was good to have a chat with her and to hear that the coroner has made recommendations for change in the Jerome Rogers case. It must be some relief that the events leading to his death have not been ignored. The events leading to Jerome's death may not have been illegal, but they ought to be. The law must stop a vulnerable person being placed in such a position.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Fenland DC - lost intelligence?

Theresa May wants to reduce our human rights, but don't worry it will only affect the lower classes, the non-cronies, none of the great and the good will be bothered by this slackening of the rights that were so hard won. May appears to think the answer to 'lost intelligence' is to remove the rights of individuals. This sounds terrifying, and as I try to adjust to life as a old widow in an unfamiliar landscape, an England I don't recognise, I realise it has already happened within Barclays, Ovo, Scottish Power and now Fenland District Council.

Monday, 5 June 2017

Stage 2 Decision

White has delivered his Stage 2 Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure (IDRP) decision and unsurprisingly the Barclay's UKRF Trustee has not found in the widow's favour.

Lost Intelligence - Public issue, private pain

In the aftermath of the latest London Bridge terror attack we once again hear media reports from members of the public who say they phoned the hotline to tip off security services. The same thing happened after other terror attacks and the security services responded by saying they had no evidence that the alleged calls were made.
These were 'lost intelligence' events.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Another day, another letter from Ovo

Had a great day out with my brother. We had lunch together and we discussed my miserable life as a widow with nothing much ahead of me. He cheered me up, lunch was good, the train home was good. But when I saw the Ovo letter waiting I knew it was going to depress me.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Ovo Energy

Whereas Barclays seem on course to destroy me by sins of omission, Ovo Energy are taking a much more pro-active approach!

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

The Barclays Way

The weeks have turned to months, Colin White remains silent as to the decision regarding Paul's pension. Was White's apparently kind offer to 'keep me informed' as to the progress of the Stage 2 Dispute Resolution just an insincere cut and paste?

Friday, 24 March 2017

Barclay's Babel Turns to More Sullen Silence

When we use language to communicate it does require us all to share the meaning embedded within the words and phrases that are used. Often people say, "It's just semantics." But what else do we have? Mr White, the man who speaks for Barclays has once more been misunderstood. 

Monday, 27 February 2017

Another apology... or is this more mischief?

My complaint about Barclays has reached the top of the pile, or maybe their latest communication is just another stalling tactic, another way to delay my approach to the Pensions Ombudsman. Who knows? Barclays know obviously but we don't expect full disclosure from them.

Unfortunately I have had to leave my beloved home in Karridale. Without sufficient funds to pay for farm labour it was impossible for me to continue living there. So now I'm wandering the world looking for a permanent home, alone. For this reason Colin White's email escaped my attention for over a month. It had taken him 3 months to decide that the information I provided was insufficient for the purpose and so he can hardly complain about a one month turnaround. (see Comments on the Stage 1 decision - 7/10/2016)
From: White, Colin : HR 
Sent: 16 January 2017 15:44
Subject: RE: Barclays Bank UK Retirement Fund - IDRP stage 2
Sent: 16 January 2017 15:44
Subject: RE: Barclays Bank UK Retirement Fund - IDRP stage 2
Dear Heather
The trustees of the UK Retirement Fund are in the process of investigating your complaint under Stage 2 of the IDRP.  I apologise for the time that this is taking but it is a separate process to Stage 1 and requires a fresh evaluation of the matter by different people.
In order to complete their enquiries, the Trustees would like to understand why it was that Mr Matthews did not go ahead with the transfer in June 2015.  After making the initial request, and then some follow-up queries, no further communication was received from Mr Matthews until March 2016 (noting that an email was sent, but not received, in January 2016). Are you able to help with that?
Kind regards
Colin White
From: White, Colin : HR 
Sent: 14 October 2016 12:24
Subject: RE: Barclays Bank UK Retirement Fund - IDRP stage 2
Sent: 14 October 2016 12:24
Subject: RE: Barclays Bank UK Retirement Fund - IDRP stage 2
Dear Heather
Thank you for your email. I will be in contact if I need further information, once I have reviewed all of the correspondence.
Kind regards
Colin White

So now I have to explain to these "different" people why a man with a brain tumour experienced both physical and cognitive impairment which made it impossible for him to assert himself when the Barclays Team offered him incorrect advice and failed to provide the forms he required. 

To do this I have to bring back to the forefront of my mind the memories of Paul struggling to cope with his failure to succeed with the system that Barclays had  deliberatly designed to fail. Maybe other men would have coped better but Paul was a systems man, his entire working life was spent as a systems programmer. For him it was an exhausting and humiliating situation to be faced with failure every time he tried to obtain the necessary forms. 

Paul had no idea that he had been spun a line by the Barclay's Team, he could never have imagined they would just be giving him more incorrect information, introducing another delay when they wrote;

“You can go online and view your benefits, update your personal details and get illustrations, including options such as a transfer value and early retirement illustrations. Visit log on and explore this facility…”

Malone continued to peddle this misinformation in his rejection of my complaint, stating that the Barclay's Team had written to Paul  “… along with how your husband might obtain a UK transfer form.” 

He was never given access to the forms required to transfer his pension.